Social networking is an essential part of marketing on the internet. But for social networking to work for your business, you really have got to be seen to be participating in these communities.
If you are anything like me, you probably belong to a handful of social networking sites and do not have the time to go to each one to post an update.
A stagnant social networking profile does nothing for your reputation. Problem is with so many other things to do, one soon loses track
There is a tool I have been using for a while now to help make things easier.
It allows you to post to all your social networking profiles with one click.
Admittedly all the sites will display the same message but it does keep your profile active.
And if your update contains a link then you could get up to 42 different sites that the link is posted to. Not a bad thing
The tool is
Anyone following me on twitter will notice that some of my updates are via
It's a free service and really user friendly.
There are 42 social networking sites that you can update from your ping dashboard. You do have to be registered with each of these social networking sites and will ask for your log in details, stands to reason really.
And you'll find that you may already be a member of the social networking sites updated via
the current list includes facebook, twitter, linkedIn, friendfeed, diigo, Hootsuite, Flickr, Posterous, Vox and more
So if you want the ability to update all your social networking profiles with one click, check out
Open Download - Warez Forum
Listen to this article. Powered by
So I have managed to get a few of the posts on this and other blogger blogs to rank well with the search engines for a bunch of keywords
Everyone in affiliate marketing goes on about how great Wordpress is and how all those plug ins allow you to enhance your optimization efforts. And there is no disputing that this is true
But blogger posts can also be easily optimized and you have the advantage of quick indexing with blogger
Here are a few on page optimization tips for your blogger blog
On page SEO tip 1: Domain name. Before you choose the domain name of your blogger blog, do some keyword research and determine which keyword is most relevant to your blog.
Once you have identified the keyword, use it as the first word of your blogspot domain name
Remember, the earlier in your URL the keyword appears, the better for your SEO
On page SEO tip 2: Post title. When setting up your blog, you should have selected yes for the option to allocate each post it's own unique URL.
If you have done this each post's URL is your blogger domain name + the post title.
You should, where possible, include the keyword you are targeting in each post, in the title of your post
On page SEO tip 3: Template. We know that the google bot reads the webpage from LEFT to RIGHT and TOP to BOTTOM.
So why would you want to choose a template that has the about me and other widgets on the left side of the page? They have little or no SEO value.
It makes better sense to use a template that has the blog post to the left of the page and all the other widgets, ads etc on the right side of the page
It really is amazing how many bloggers are burning rubber out there. By that I mean they are working really hard but doing all the wrong things.
No wonder people think blogging for an income does not work
I was at a forum which I have been a member of for about three years and have about 60 posts on there.
Yeah, I know 60 posts for three years does not make me the most active member of the forum. And it is one of the more active webmaster forums.
I noticed something odd. A chap who had about 2000 posts for a one year membership declared his earnings. About $80 a month.
Now I am not saying forum participation is bad, in fact it's a good thing and I get a fair amount of traffic from the forums. But you have got to be smart about it. Having one well thought out and relevant answer to someones question is going to go much further than lots of inanae posts. it's about the quality of the message not the quantity.
So if you are a marketer who is doing your own thing and not outsourced, try to focus on return on investment regarding time and effort. it'll help you decide how often you post in the forums and how much time you leave for other effective things like article marketing, social networking, product creation, content creation.... need I go on?
I don't know about you by $80 a month is not a lot of money, it's quite bad.
So why did this grab my attention?
This guy has done what he was told to do by the gurus, forum participation and he was actively participating as well.
But if you are going to post 2000 posts in a forum in one year...... Doesn't leave any time for much else.
See what I mean by working smart rather than hard.
Hello guys,
Today I am going to tell you a very simple trick to get traffic from Wikipedia.. Lets start..
1) Sign Up an account with wikipedia.
2) Find articles matching your niche
3) Go to the external link section on the article
4) Click Edit and Add your URL there
Make sure you add relevant articles only else they will be marked as spam and your account may also get disabled.
You can add url to as many articles as you wish but all should be relevant.. I have been doing this on few of my blogs and I get around 200-500 UV from Wikipedia daily..
So? What are you waiting for? Go Get Some Traffic!!
Ebook Download
Hello guys,
Its been long time, I am currently trying to concentrate on exams, CBSE Boards 2010 which will be held in march after that I’d regularly updating the blog. Here, I have something for you guys, a very good eBook written by my friend Ankush Sharma.
What is Robotic Blogging?
Robotic Blogging is a newbie friendly ebook which can help you make alot of money without doing much work! You just need to throw in 60 mins once and you’re set! I’ve personally read the book and I’m impressed by the mthod used.. Its really useful ebook and can help both newbies and intermediates. I recommened buying this eBook!
Its for $9.95 right now as an introductory price but he is planning to increase the price soon to $15.95, So you better buy it now! before its too late..
Here’s the link where you can purchase it : Robotic Blogging
Open download
Google Alert is a great service using which you can get updates regarding the things of your interest and can also help you to build some quality backlinks. With about 15 minutes of work you can get abt 10-15 quality backlinks and this is what I’m gonna show you, how to accomplish it.So lets get started.
1) Make a Google Alerts account.If you already have a Google account then you can integrate it with Google Alert.
2) Now you need to create a new alert and dont forget to choose blog from the ‘type’ drop-down menu.
3) Then select once a day from the ‘how often’ drop-down menu this helps not to get your inbox filled up with tons of mails and select the suitable option from’ E-mail length‘ drop-down menu.
4) Now find some blogs with a nice PR and take out 15 minutes of your time to post abt 10 comments on each blog.Post relevant comments and DO NOT spam and keep it as close as you can related to your niche.
Now even if you do it to 10 blogs you would be adding 100 quality backlinks to you blog in 7-10 days which is pretty good.
So as the title describes, I’m gonna tell you how to make blogging more efficient ,organize, co-ordinated and much more profitable.
Google in every way supports blogging, from helping us create free blogs(Blogger) to promoting them(Google Orkut) to monetizing them(Adsense).And here are the 10 google tools you can use to have a better blogging experience.
The 10 Google Tools are:
1.) Google Blogger
BloggerThough WordPress is the most prefered blogging platform. If you are new to blogging then Blogger is the platform you should get your hands on.Blogger provides some features of wordpress like static pages, and you dont have to worry about hosting charges as the blogs are hosted by google.
You have the option to either use your own domain or get a free domain from blogger itself.You can get a .com domain with privacy protection enabled under 10$ at godaddy if you use the coupon code chill10 .The default templates that come with your blogger blog are quite primitive and simple, you can change to a template of your choice later.To get them you can visit
Once you have setup your blog, you are ready to use the following tools organize your blog layout, populate content and create your blog profitable.
2) Google Alert
Populate content for your blog:
You can use Google Alert to get ideas for your blogposts. Make sure that you choose blog from the type dropdown menu.Here you can find articles related to your keywords and you can get inspired and write quality content for your blog daily.
3.) Google Adsense : Monetize your Blog
Once you have started your blog and have quality content with some threshold Visitors(100+) then you might think of monetizing your blog.There are different ways to monetize your blog in-text ads, affiliate marketing, merchandising, etc but according to me PPC(Pay per click) is the best way to monetize one’s blog.In the realm of ppc industry Google Adsense has made itself a mark and i personally use it as it offers the best CTR.
To monetize your blogger blog just click on “Monetize” and choose where your ads will be displayed.Google pays a decent amount of money every time a person clicks on the ads.
4.) Google Analytics: Track your Blog’s Growth
You can integrate Google Analytics with your existing account and you can use it to track the number of visitors you are getting.You can even check from where is the majority of the traffic is coming.Go through the information provided by this service and then plan your blogging stratergies and take usefull decisions.
5.) Google FeedBurner:Manage your blog subscription
You can let people subscribe to your blog via Feeds, and feedburner allows you to make it easy and fast.When a person is subscribed to your feeds he gets notified whenever a new post is posted on your blog.You can even monetize your feeds using Adsense.
6.) iGoogle: Connects you to other Blogs.
A blogger should follow other bloggers and be updated with the industry news and learn new tactics and skills.Once you are logged into Blogger you will automatically be logged into iGoogle and the feeds of all the blog you are following will appear on your page and you can keep track of the stuff going on related to your niche.
7. Google Docs: Embed Documents in your blog.
Google Docs is essentially MS Office on cloud.The only difference is unlike Ms Office it stores your documents online and lets you access them anywhere in the world.Using this tool you can create Spreadsheets, Presentations, and Text Documents and embed them on your blog and add to its value.
8. Google Calendar: Helps you to stay organized.
If you have more than one blog then Google Calender is the tool you need.Using this tool you can track how many posts you posted on which blog within a given time frame.
9. Google Picasa Web Albums: Organize your blog pictures.
google Picasa
The photos you upload to your blogger blog gets automatically uploaded to Google Picasa Web Albums.This service allows you to organize and share your blog photos with creative common licence for future use.
10. Google Orkut: Find new readers for your blog
You can join this social network with your existing Google account.Here you can stay in touch with your existing reader and other bloggers and create a network which will help you deliver what your readers want.
If you liked this post, Please subscribe to my blog’s feed and receive latest content on your email !!
Md. Ohidul Islam
I’m really glad and very honored to have Garry Conn as my first interview candidate on RishabhSood.Net. Garry is a authority figure in the blogging world and he was willing to share his experiences with us here on RishabhSood.Net, I’m sure it’ll be very helpful to you guys, as he’s been into blogging from a very good time and is well experienced. Here’s the interview :
Rishabh Sood: What inspired you to start blogging and built up your interest in it?
Garry Conn: I have had an interest with the Internet and building websites since the mid 90′s. When blogging started to become more popular I slowly started to gain more interest in it due to the high level of simplicity it was to take a site online. WordPress in paticular is my favorite web publishing software.
Rishabh Sood What was the main challenge that you faced when you newly started as a blogger?
Garry Conn: Promotion was a challenge. It was really difficult to get my name out there on the Net and climb the rankings. Blogging is very competitive and other bloggers within you niche naturally tend not to lend a hand in helping you surpass them.
Rishabh Sood:, Could you please throw some light on it how you came up with it and how did you help it reach the level.
Garry Conn: Well, as you know, my name is Garry Conn and that’s how I secured the domain name. While I own and operate many different blogs and sites, is a site that’s personal to me. It’s a site that I continue to build and grow, and one that reflects a high level of quality content. People are able to acquire a lot of very useful information from reading my blog.
Rishabh Sood: According to you, what would be the major challenges that a blogger would face today?
Garry Conn: Competition is a very huge challenge. Finding a unique and untapped niche is another. Ultimately, a blogger wants to become the leading source of information for their topic. It’s quite hard to do that today. Don’t get me wrong… it can be done, but it was much easier in the early 2000′s.
Another challenge is the constant changes to SEO. While years ago, it was very simple to rank for keywords in search engines. Today, search engines, such as Google, make the process much more complex.
Rishabh Sood Have you ever had a thought that, Now you should quit blogging and you can’t take it anymore? If yes,When and why
Garry Conn: Of course… however, that goes with any challenge individuals take. I must say though, conquering the challenges faced with blogging is quite rewarding, also it can be quite profitable as well. The point is, no one should quit at anything that set goals at achieving, whether that’s with blogging or becoming a pilot.
Rishabh Sood: What common mistakes do you find newbies make while promoting their blogs?
Garry Conn: New bloggers tend to try to take short-cuts. There’s no short-cuts with becoming a pro blogger. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, motivation, and a geniune desire to help people. New bloggers also tend to follow other bloggers of higher authority towards learning. This, in some cases, can be bad, because many bloggers have an aim to earn a profit from their readers. Many times, bloggers promote products and services that fail to cater to their reader’s best interest.
Rishabh Sood: According to you, What are the top 5 ways to Promote your blog?
Garry Conn: The top five ways to promote your blog is by organic ranking in Google for long-tail keywords and phrases. This is achieved as your blog increases the number of published articles. Also, as your blog ages, your articles to rank better in the search results. The second leading way to promote your blog is with an email mailing list. Aside from that, social networking sites do fairly well. StumbleUpon, Digg, and Twitter would account for the third, forth, and fifth source.
Rishabh Sood: What is your opinion on using Blackhat ways for blog promotion and to gain rank?
Garry Conn: You’ll get busted and all your other hard work and energy will get wasted.
Rishabh Sood: What is your Golden rule in blogging ? Is it the content the design, or something else ?
Garry Conn: The content is by far the most important aspect of blogging. The higher the quality the more likely people will enjoy reading it and the more likely search engines will rank it high in the search results. Content, in many cases, is viewed via RSS, which has no design implementations at all. So while the design of your blog does play a role towards first impressions, many people tend to over-look design for quality in the content and confidence in the author.
Rishabh Sood: Have you recently been in any other projects other than And are there any future plans to start something new?
Garry Conn: I am always staying ahead of the curve. I always stay busy with multiple projects. As mentioned before, is nothing more than a personal blog that caters to the needs of the people reading. However, frequently use the site to aid and jumpstart many of my online projects.