Google Alert is a great service using which you can get updates regarding the things of your interest and can also help you to build some quality backlinks. With about 15 minutes of work you can get abt 10-15 quality backlinks and this is what I’m gonna show you, how to accomplish it.So lets get started.

1) Make a Google Alerts account.If you already have a Google account then you can integrate it with Google Alert.

2) Now you need to create a new alert and dont forget to choose blog from the ‘type’ drop-down menu.

3) Then select once a day from the ‘how often’ drop-down menu this helps not to get your inbox filled up with tons of mails and select the suitable option from’ E-mail length‘ drop-down menu.

4) Now find some blogs with a nice PR and take out 15 minutes of your time to post abt 10 comments on each blog.Post relevant comments and DO NOT spam and keep it as close as you can related to your niche.

Now even if you do it to 10 blogs you would be adding 100 quality backlinks to you blog in 7-10 days which is pretty good.




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