If you’re a business creating a profile on Facebook and decide you want to add a fan page to the mix, there are several very big “don’ts” you need to watch out for. Contrary to what you might think, its not enough to slap your logo in the picture area, add some info about your business and let it sit, hoping someone will see it.

In this case, if you build it, they won’t necessarily come, especially in today’s web environment where attention spans have whittled down to nothing. However, I’m going to give you a quick and dirty list to check against your Facebook fan page to make sure you’re not making some huge mistakes:

1) Don’t use a stock photo or logo. Use a real photo. If you want to add your logo or brand somewhere on the photo, that could be ok. I tell this to all my clients, with the exception of groups like non-profits, as they can usually get away with some kind of logo. If you’re a business, use a picture of a real person (don’t be silly and take it from a stock photo site either), someone visitors can relate to. One of the biggest mistakes businesses make is this one.

2) Don’t use the corporate jargon. You want to sound professional, but warm and engaging at the same time. This doesn’t mean you have to be overly familiar – for example, just talk about what you do, what you’re interested in outside of work and what your goals are.

3) Don’t forget to add your phone number, website and email!

4) Don’t just expect people to come to you. Start spreading the word throughout your office and company, send emails to colleagues, search for people and invite them to become friends; essentially socialize and start building your community.

5) Don’t let it just sit there. If you just let it sit there, nothing will happen. Nothing. It will be as if you never created it at all. Either use it actively, find help inside or outside your company to help you monitor it and make sure it looks active and alive, not abandoned.

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